There is a "ctrl" key located in between the "fn" key and the "alt" key.
If you are a Mac OS X user and wish to ugrade to the latest CVS snapshot:

You can confirm that by looking at the status bar in the bottom left corner.

Rename the existing azureus2.jar file to something else - it might be a good idea to rename it to something which indicates what version it is.Go to the directory you installed Vuze to, likely to be in c:\Program Files\Azureus or c:\Program Files\Vuze.Close Vuze if you have it running - once the program closes, give it a minute or so to make sure it properly closes.We're using version beta 16 in this example.If you want to revert to a newer or older stable version, you can download it from.If you're after the latest beta version, you can download it from.